| From
the Proposal to the Final Payment
Location: Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Bonn www.gsi-bonn.de | |
Date: Thursday 17th October 2002 | |
Course Duration: 9:00am to 4:30pm | |
Proposal Content | |
Accommodation: Participants are responsible for their
own accommodation. Accommodation is available in the GSI centre. To book a
place contact
Döhmen: +49-228-8107.222
Reifenberger: +49-228-8107.221
DAY 2: How to Negotiate, Manage, Administer an EU R&D Contract
Location: Gustav-Stresemann-Institut, Bonn www.gsi-bonn.de | |
Date: Friday 18th October 2002 | |
Course Duration: 9:00am to 4:30pm | |
Management Course Content | |
Accommodation: Participants are responsible for their
own accommodation. Accommodation is available in the GSI centre. To book a
place contact
Döhmen: +49-228-8107.222
Reifenberger: +49-228-8107.221
Course Fee:
550 euros for the two days. This cost includes tuition, documentation, lunch and coffees. Participants are responsible for their own hotel accommodation
If participants wish to attend only one day this is also possible.
Who Should Attend ?
The course is relevant to women scientists who are responsible for the preparation of proposals and the management/administration of EU R&D contracts. Up to 25 participants may attend the course.
Course Presenters:
Dr. Sean McCarthy Hyperion Ltd, Ireland
Dr. Sybille Krummacher, CEWS krummacher@cews.uni-bonn.de
Booking Details:
Please email your booking to mary.mccarthy@hyperion.ie
On receipt of your booking details for payment will be emailed to you.
For More Information Contact:
Hyperion Ltd.
Main Street, Watergrasshill, Co-Cork, Ireland
Tel: 00 353 21 4889 461
FAX: 00 353 21 4 889 465
Internet: carmel.obrien@hyperion.ie