Sean McCarthy


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Dr. Sean McCarthy specialises in the development and delivery of training courses for research managers. The following is a summary of his training, management and research activities.

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Training Background

bulletSince 1997 more than 35,000 participants have attended his training courses.
bullet Dr. McCarthy has presented training courses in 250 different research centres in 29 countries throughout the EU. A complete list of these research centres can be found on 

European Union Expertise

bulletSince 1980 Dr. McCarthy has been involved in over 150 EU R&D Proposal, over 50 contracts and managed 16 of these.
bulletHe has acted as scientific evaluator for 10 different EU R&D Programmes.
bulletBoard member of EARTO (European Association of Research and Technology Organisations) 
bulletHe was an external evaluator of the following networks; Innovation Relay Centres, OPET Network (Energy) and the 50  Regional Innovation Strategies.

Scientific Background:

bulletPhD in Electrical Engineering. Research topics covered photovoltaic systems, batteries, energy crops,  electronic monitoring systems and computer modelling.
bulletFellow of the Institution of Irish Engineers 

Management  Background:

bullet Dr. McCarthy has been responsible for the management of over 130 industrial and research contracts. He participated in over 50 EU R&D contracts and was project coordinator for EU 16 R&D contracts.

Innovation Policy  Background:

Dr. McCarthy has completed the following assignments for National and EU Policy Makers.

bulletInnovation in Finland: Strategies for Networking (An International Evaluation), 1998 (Client: Ministry of Trade and Industry, Finland)
bulletInnovation Strategy for the National Microelectronics Research Centre, Ireland  1998 (Client: NMRC, Ireland)
bulletInnovation Strategy for the 12 Institutes of Technology, Ireland 1998 (Client: Enterprise Ireland)
bulletInnovation in Enterprises: An Action Plan for Ireland 1998 (Client: FORFAS, Ireland)
bulletEvaluation of the EU Innovation Programme 1997 (Client: European Commission)
bulletObstacle to Mobility between Academia and Indusry, 2000 (Client: European Commission)
bulletChairman of the Advisory Group on Innovation, 1997 (Appointed by FORFAS, Ireland)

Presentations and Publications

A complete list of recent business and research publications can be found on