| |

Hyperion has organized in-house training courses
in the following organizations.
European Organisations
 | EARMA (European Association of Research
Managers and Administrators) |
 | EARTO (European Association of Research and
Technology Organisations) |
 | Marie Curie Fellowship Association |
 | Joint Research Centre, Ispra, Italy |
 | Joint Research Cenre, Geel, Belgium |
 | Joint Research Centre, Petten, The
Netherlands |
 | Europabio (
) |
International Organisations
 | World Health Organisation, Geneva |
 | UNESCO, Vienna |
 | Joanneum Research, Graz |
 | Austrian Women in Science Association (fForte) |
 | Medical University, Graz |
 | CATT, Linz |
 | Technical University of Vienna |
 | Austrian Institute of Technology |
 | Salzburg University |
SCK-CEN, Mol |
 | ITG, Antwerp |
 | Ernest and Young GIA |
 | Antwerp University |
 | KU Leuven |
 | University of Pardubice |
 | MICEP, Prague |
 | Regional Contact Points, Liberec |
 | BRNO University |
 | Liberec Region |
 | Ministry of Science and Technology |
 | University of Rijeka |
 | Ruder Boskovich Institute |
 | University of Split |
 | University of Osijek |
 | University of Zagreb |
 | Research Promotion Foundation |
 | Danish Institute of Agricultural
Sciences |
 | Eurocentre |
 | University of Aahrus |
 | Aalbourg DJOF |
 | University of Southern Denmark
(Odense) |
 | Egypt/Finland Research Project, Ismalia |
 | TEKES (Finnish National Contact
Points) |
 | University of Jyvaskyla |
 | University of Oulu |
 | University of Oulu (Kajaani) |
 | University of Helsinki |
 | MTT |
 | Geological Survey of Finland |
 | VTT |
 | METLA |
 | University of Vaasa |
 | University of Lapland |
 | University of Oulu, Kajaani |
 | University of Joensuu |
 | Tampere University of Technology |
 | ICT Turku |
 | SHOK |
 | CNRS Orleans |
 | CNRS Montpellier |
 | CNRS Paris |
 | CNRS, Grenoble |
 | CNRS, Caen, Normandy |
 | CNRS, Rhone Alps |
 | CNRS, Lille |
 | CNRS, Rennes |
 | ILL, Grenoble |
 | CLORA |
 | CEA, Paris and Grenoble |
 | DLR, Bonn |
 | UFZ, Leipzig, |
 | Forschungszentrum Juelich Gmbh |
 | GSF, Munich |
 | Fraunhofer- Gesellschaft (FhG),
Stuttgart |
 | HZG, Geestacht |
 | CEWS (Center of Excellence Women and Science) |
 | University of Stuttgart |
 | KOWI (Brussels Office) |
 | EADS, Munich |
 | DKFZ, Heidelberg |
 | KIT, Karlsruhe |
 | University of Bielefeld |
 | ZWM Speyer |
 | LMU, Munich |
 | Euroconsult, Bonn |
 | RWTH, Aachen |
 | Max Planck (Bonn, Stuttgart, Gottingen,
Munich,Jena) |
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz Mainz |
 | GFZ, Potsdam |
 | Geomar, Kiel |
 | University of Jena |
 | Dresden University |
 | Helmholtz Association |
 | Leibniz Association |
 | Helmholtz (Geestacht, Munich, Potsdam) |
 | Science and Technology Foundation |
 | Icelandic Research Council (RANNIS) |
 | University of Iceland |
 | MATIS |
 | Teagasc |
 | Dublin City University |
 | Dublin Institute of Technology |
 | Enterprise Ireland |
 | Marine Institute |
 | Materials Ireland |
 | Waterford Institute of Technology |
 | Cork Institute of Technology |
 | National Microelectronics Research
Centre |
 | University College Galway |
 | University of Limerick |
 | IRTU, Belfast |
 | FORFAS, Dublin |
 | Dundalk Institute of Technology |
 | Sifco Ltd. |
 | Public Relations Institute |
 | National University of Ireland, Maynooth |
 | St. Patrick's Training College, Dublin |
 | Hewlett Packard, Leixlip |
 | University College Dublin |
 | JRC Ispra |
 | University of Bologna |
 | University of Potenza |
 | University of Bolzano |
 | University of Trento |
 | EURAC, Bolzano |
 | Polaris, Sardinia |
 | Trento University |
 | European University Institute, Florence |
 | Politecno de Milano |
 | Latvia University of Agriculture |
 | Agency for International Science and
Technology Development |
 | Malta Council for Science and Technology |
 | Prime Minister's Office |
 | Ministry of Education and Science |
 | Norwegian Research Council |
 | Agricultural University of Norway |
 | Oslo Agricultural College |
 | University of Bergen |
 | University of Tromso |
 | University of Trondheim |
 | Veso, Oslo |
 | University of Stavanger |
 | University of Bodoe |
 | European Movement |
 | Poznan Science and Technology Park |
 | University of Cracow |
 | Technology Partners, Warsaw |
 | FEUP Oporto |
 | ICCTI |
 | INESC Porto |
 | PRELO |
 | University of Coimbra |
 | University of Algarve |
 | University of Lisbon |
 | Uefiscsu (Executive Agency for Higher
Education and Research) |
 | International Science and Technology Centre |
 | Ministry of Education and Science |
 | Ministry of Science (National Contact Points) |
 | Josef Stefan Institute |
 | Universidad Politecnica de Valencia |
 | Universidad de Alicante |
 | ISDEFE, Madrid |
 | AIDO, Valencia and Seville |
 | University of Girona |
 | ICT, Pamplona |
 | Boeing Research, Madrid |
 | Deusto, Bilbao |
 | San Sebastian University |
 | Pamplona University |
 | Swedish Research Council |
 | Karolinska Institute |
 | Swedish University of Agricultural
Sciences |
 | University of Lulea |
 | University of UMEA |
 | University of Upsala |
 | University of Goteburg |
 | Chalmers University |
 | The North Sweden Association |
 | Industry Research Institutes Sweden (IRIS) |
 | Academy of Sciences |
 | Ernst and Young CGI |
 | University of Linkoping |
 | SP Boras |
 | RISE |
 | Vinnova |
 | EUresearch (Swiss National Contact
Points) |
 | University of Basel |
 | University of Lugano |
 | Euroberatung Network |
 | Euro Info Centre, Schweiz |
 | University of Fribourg |
 | Paul Scherrer Institut, Würenlingen |
 | EMPA, Dübendorf |
 | University of Nuchatel |
 | ETH, Zurich |
 | IBM, Zurich |
 | University of Geneva |
 | University of Lausanne |
The Netherlands
 | International Training School, Enschede |
 | JRC- Petten |
 | PNO Consultants |
 | Universiteit von Amsterdam |
 | University of Utrecht |
 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
 | Philips Electronics Netherlands BV |
 | TNO, Delft |
 | University of Wageningen |
 | Nijmegen University |
 | University of Twente |
 | Leiden University |
 | Erasmus University, Rotterdam
 | Eindhoven University |
 | Delft University |
 | Tubitak (National Contact Points) |
 | MK Training and Trading Ltd. |
 | Izmir Business Development Centre |
United Kingdom and Scotland
 | Medical Research Council |
 | University of Surrey |
 | Edinburgh University |
 | CEFAS |
 | University of Warwick |
 | University of Sheffield |
 | Plymount Marine Research Centre |
 | University of Nottingham |
 | University of Central England,
Birmingham |
 | Manchester University |
 | University of Southampton |
 | University of Plymouth |
 | TWI, Cambridge |
 | Cambridge University |
 | University of Sheffield |
 | Birmingham University |
 | University of Liverpool |
United States
 | Society of Research Administrators |
 | University of Wales, Swansea |
 | University of Wales, Bangor |
For More Information Contact:
Hyperion Ltd.
Main Street, Watergrasshill, Co-Cork, Ireland
Tel: 00 353 21 4889 461
FAX: 00 353 21 4 889 465
Internet: sean.mccarthy@hyperion.ie