EU Funding and Tenders Portal (Link)
Proposal Forms for Horizon Europe Proposals
Evaluation Forms for Horizon Europe Proposal
Register as an Expert |
Horizon Europe Dashboard (Link)
Projects Funded in Framework 7, Horizon 2020
and Horizon Europe
 | All Projects funded in Framework 7, Horizon 2020
Horizon Europe (Link)
 | Cordis News
(News from funded projects)
(Link) |
Horizon Europe - the Low Hanging
 | How to Start with Horizon Europe (Link) |
Identifying Opportunities in Horizon Europe
 | Summary Videos from this Course
(Link) |
Research Support Services for Horizon
National Contact Points (
NCPs) |
National Offices based in Brussels (
IGLO ) |
EEN (European
Enterprise Network)
Sciences and Humanities) (Link) |
Irish National Support for
Horizon Europe
How to Stay up-to-date with Horizon
EU Official Websites for Horizon Europe
Europa Website on Horizon Europe (Link) |
 | Final agreement on
Horizon Europe (September 2020) (Link)
 | DG Research and Innovation Strategic
Plan (2025-2027) (Link) |
DG Research and Innovation Strategic
Plan 2020-2024 (Link) |
Implementation Strategy for Horizon
Europe (29th April 2020) (Link) |
Technology (Social) Readiness Level
Technology Readiness Level
(TRL) (Link)
Social Readiness Level (SRL)
- Danish Model |
NASA Technology Readiness
Level (Link) |

Pillar I (Excellent Science)
ERC (European Research Council) Overview
Official Website for ERC (Link)
Europa website for ERC (Link)
MSCA Marie-Skłodowska Curie Actions (Link)
Europa website for MSCA (Link)
Euraxess (Link)
Research Infrastructures in Horizon Europe
Link ) Europa
website for RI (Link)
Database for Access (Link)
Pillar II (Global
Challenges and Industrial Leadership)
Pillar II (Clusters)
Pillar II (Missions)
Overview of Missions
in Horizon Europe (
Link) |
Mission Boards (
Link ) |
Reports of Mission
Boards on Portfolio of Projects (September 2020) |
Conquering Cancer: Mission Possible
A Climate Resilient Europe - Prepare Europe for climate disruptions
and accelerate the transformation to a climate resilient and just
Europe by 2030
Mission Starfish 2030: Restore our Ocean and Waters
100 Climate-Neutral Cities by 2030 - by and for the citizens
Caring for Soil is Caring for Life
European Partnerships
Overview of the
European Partnerships
Report on Performance
of European Partnership: Biennial monitoring report (2024) (Link)
Support Platform
Towards a European Research Area (2000) (Link)
Pillar III (Innovative Europe)
EIC (European Innovation Council) Official Website
Pathfinder (Link)
EIC Transition (Link)
Accelerator (Link)
100 Radical Breakthroughs for the Future (Foresight Report 2019) (Link)
EIT (European Institute for Innovation and
Technology) (Link)

Who Wrote the Topics in Pillar II?
Trends Influencing the Design of Pillar II
for Policy Handbook (2020) (Link) |
EU Priorities (2024-2029) (Link) |
EU Priorities (2019-2024) (Link)
EU Green Deal (Link) |
SDG Policy Mapping tool (Link)
Targets for SDGs
Impact Assessment of Horizon Europe (Link)
Better Regulation Initiative (Link)
Expert Groups Consulted (Pillar II
 | IPCEI (Important Projects of Common
European Interest) (Link)
 | 31 Strategic Value Chains (Link) |
 | European Technology Platforms (Link) |
Examples of SRIAs (Strategic
Research and Innovation Agendas)
 | SRIAs
- European Partnerships on
Health (Link) |
 | SRIAs
European Partnerships in digital, industry and space (Link) |
 | SRIAs
- European Partnerships in food, bioeconomy,
natural resources, agriculture and environment (Link) |
 | SRIAs
- European Partnerships in climate, energy and
mobility (Link) |

Strategic Networking at a European Level
European University Alliances (Link)
European University Networks
Topic Networks
 | European Research Networks and Associations
(Link) |
 | Euroscience
(Link) |
 | Humanities European Networks and
Associations (Link) |
Networks for Early Career Researchers
Limitation of
This webpage has been designed to help
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