Expert Groups for Pillar II (Horizon Europe)

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Expert Groups consulted for Pillar II Work Programmes

Pillar II (Horizon Europe) is a 'top-down' programme. This means that the topics in Pillar II are selected to address 'specific' EU policy issues. When the European Commission is selecting and defining the topics they consult expert groups. This workshop provides an overview of the Expert Groups consulted in the preparation of Pillar II Work Programmes.

Delivery: Online (Zoom)

Target Audience: Researchers, Research Managers and Research Support Services in Universities and Research Centres

                            The course is NOT open to Private Consultants

Course Presenters: Dr. Seán McCarthy

                                 Sylvia McCarthy (EU Policy Analyst)


Duration: 45-minutes 

Contents of Workshop

Module 1: From EU Policies to Pillar II Topics


From EU Policies to Pillar II Work Programmes


How Expert Groups are Consulted


SRIAs (Strategic Research and Innovation Agendas)

Module 2: Societal Challenges Expert Groups


Foresight in EU Policy Making


CSA (Coordination and Support Acions)


EU Mission Boards


EU Networks and Associations


COST Actions

Module 3: EU Industrial Policy Expert Groups


European Partnerships


ETIP (European Technology and Innovation Platforms)


STEP (Strategic Technology European Platforms)


IPCEI  (31 Key Value Chains)

Module 4: How to Prepare a Proposal Intelligence Report


Identify Key EU Policies behind Cluster


Analyse Specific EU Policies behind Topics


Identify Expert Groups Consulted in preparing the Topic

Programme Designers and Presenters

Sylvia McCarthy

Sylvia is an EU Policy Analyst. Based in Brussels since 2008, Sylvia has worked in the European Parliament and various EU consultancies and representations.
Sylvia has a Bachelor’s degree in European Studies (University College Cork,Ireland) and a Master’s degree in International Politics and Europe (University of Warwick, UK).


Dr. Seán McCarthy

Seán has been active in the Framework programmes since 1980. He has been involved in over 150 research proposals to the Framework programmes and has participated in over 60 Framework projects. In 16 of these projects Seán was the coordinator.  Today, he does not participate in the Framework programmes but concentrates on designing and delivering training courses. Since 1995 over 80,000 participants have attended his courses in 29 countries. He has presented training courses on the Framework programmes in over 290 research centres throughout Europe (

In 2017 the European Commission published a list of the top 100 universities and research organisations participating in Horizon 2020. Dr. McCarthy has delivered training courses in 74 of these top 100 universities and research organisations.


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