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This webpage has been designed for

YEAR (Young European Associated Researchers Network)


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Analyse your Organisation's Activities in Horizon 2020 (and Framework 7)

bulletIdentify Projects funded  http://cordis.europa.eu/projects/home_en.html
bulletIdentify Evaluators from your Organisation  (Link)
bulletSee Visualisation of your Organisation in Horizon 2020 (Link)

How to Start Networking at EU Level

bulletRegister as a Horizon 2020 Evaluator (Funding Portal (Link))

Join the Relevant EU Association www.hyperion.ie/euassociations.htm  


Check Research and Innovation Conferences (Link)


Participate in existing COST Actions (Link) 


Check for Relevant Technology Platforms www.hyperion.ie/technology-platforms.htm

How to Start (Funding) with Framework Programmes

bulletAccess a European Research Infrastructure (Click here)
bulletFind a research vacancy on EURAXESS  (Link)  

Getting Started in Horizon 2020 (Link)


Read the Work Programmes listing topics and expected impact


Read the Proposal Forms for Horizon 2020 Proposals


Study the Evaluation Forms for Horizon 2020 Proposal


Register as an Expert


Identify Horizon 2020 Evaluators in your organisation or in your research field


Read Statistics from Horizon 2020

Support Services for  Horizon 2020


Identify Support Services in your own organisation


Identify National Contact Points in your country and research field


Identify National R&D Offices in Brussels www.iglortd.org 


Support Services for Companies in your region EEN (European Enterprise Network) http://een.ec.europa.eu/

How to Participate in the Horizon 2020 Decision Making Process (Lobby)


This is explained in Hyperion's Training Courses www.hyperion.ie


Who Wrote the Topic? (Proposal Intelligence)     (Pillar II/III of Horizon 2020)


This is explained in Hyperion's Training Courses www.hyperion.ie

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Limitation of Liability

This webpage has been designed to help researchers prepare their proposals for Horizon 2020.

Every effort has been made to ensure complete and accurate information concerning the material presented in this webpage. However, Hyperion Ltd cannot be held legally responsible for any mistakes in printing or faulty instructions contained within the templates. The authors appreciate receiving notice of any errors or misprints.

There are no warranties, expressed or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, made with respect to the materials or any information provided to the user herein. Neither the author nor publisher shall be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the contents of this webpage.